Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog 2: Boys vs. Girls

 Hey Gang!

For your blog this week, I'd like you to consider how life on the island would have been different if the children who were refugees there had been girls rather than boys.  Please think about their personal interactions, their systems of leadership, food gathering, obtaining shelter, etc. Be appropriate!

Please write at least 200-300 words.  Remember that MS Word has a word count feature as well as spell check and grammar check.  Please skip a line between each paragraph and be sure to sign each post.

Posts are due by 3pm Friday, 10/5/12. Good Luck!

Mr. T


  1. Well i'd like to say that if it were all girls on this islnd, I don't think anybody would get along. Theres only so much time girls can spend around eachother before they start throwing punches, lol. If it were all guys, they just wouldn;t care and one person would give an idea and they'd just go with it and everything would work out fine. Complete opposite of girls. Everyone would be talking all at once, giving attitude, not getting along and it would complete chaos. When they gather food, I think they will all just see it and eat it and not let the others know its there. i wuold do the same thing honestly. Obtaining shelter wouldnt be hard becuase there arent many choices of where to sleep on an island. Everyone would probably just sleep wherever they end up laying down.

  2. I think if the children on the island had been girls then the book would be a lot different. Girls are very different from guys in lots of ways. Girls need personal hygiene way more than boys. Girls also have a lot more hormones and are moody. There would be a lot more fights than the boys have had. The girls would set their priorities straight and get stuff done though. The island would be very organized at first. The shelters would be made, there would be food. There might not be meat though; it all depends on the personalities of the girls. There might be a couple tomboys who would hunt (Remington), or there could be a bunch of prissy girls (Janai) who do nothing. Girls also have commons sense so they would know that there would be no beast.

    As the time goes on and tempers would flare everyone would go crazy and kill each other. The island would become very hectic. It might end up like the boys in the end and everyone would go against each other and some people would end up dead. Although there are some ups and downs, I think the girls would do better for a shorter time.

    1. Remington Rosalie Doty. I am not that prissy. Only a little. :P

    2. Rem Rem! I really enjoyed reading your blog, I thought it was very informative. I also agree with what you talked about, it would be a lot crazier if there was all girls on the island.

  3. If there were girls instead of boys on the island they probably wouldn’t survive very long. Girls are completely different from boys. Boys aren’t afraid of little bugs like almost all girls are and they aren’t afraid to hunt and kill things. They would probably have trouble building shelter because more than half of them probably wouldn’t even know how to build a shelter. Others would complain and be freaking out thinking they will die, which is probably true. There would definitely be more drama than the boys on the island did. The girls wouldn’t kill anyone till later on when they all go crazy. They most likely would have a problem with creating a fire unless they were like a girl scout. They would have a problem with finding, killing, preparing, and cooking food unless they had a Remington or Catherine on the island. They would either have a problem for nobody stepping up as the leader or people fighting over a leader. Girls don’t give up too easily on a fight. All of the girls would get feisty and they would break into two groups, like the boys. If nobody rescued them they would all probably die because they became savages. They became cannibals and ate each other. If they did get rescued they most likely would never talk to each other again, ever.

    1. I love how you included Catherine and Remington(:

    2. Good job Katie I agree with you 100% :)


  4. In the book Lord of the flies, the kids are boys who get stuck on the island. However, if it were girls who were stuck on the island it would be completely different!

    First of all, I don’t think girls would have attacked each other and be so violent. They wouldn’t always be thinking about hunting and killing. As for the attacking each other part, I’m not saying they would always get mad at each other, but they probably wouldn’t beat each other up. They would probably have like verbal fights.

    Another thing that would be different is the way they dress. If it were girls on an island, they would dress better and not be naked. They would make sure they looked decent. Girls would probably have made sure their hair was nice and neat. They wouldn’t be like the boys in the book that had their hair knotted.

    A third thing that would be different is girls would have gone crazy when they first got stuck. I think this is because in general girls want/like more things than boys. Girls are also more sensitive and more emotional than boys, so they would cry more and miss their family more than the boys in the book. The boys in Lord of The Flies, except for Ralph Piggy, and samneric, don’t care about getting rescued. If it was girls instead of boys on the island, they would want to get back home immediately and wouldn’t forget about getting rescued. They wouldn’t have been able to adapt as easily as the boys on the island.

    The book Lord of The Flies, would be completely different if it was girls on the island instead of boys!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Alright, let's start off by saying the last thing I would ever want to do was be stranded on an island with all girls. If it were girls stranded on the island instead of the boys in Lord of the Flies, it would be a completely different story.
    Girls are way to dramatic, and we all like to do things our way. I'm almost positive we would all end up killing each other by the end of the first week. Guys can get along with each other so easily, but girls are a lot more complicated in that way. If we don't like each other, we aren't going to pretend that we do, we'll freak out on each other and get nasty.
    Also how many girls do you know that would want to hunt, cook and try and survive in the wild? Yeah, there would probably be a handful of girls that do that kind of stuff, but most girls wouldn't want to break a nail. If it were girls stranded on the island, there would probably be a lot more tanning than trying to get rescued. Overall I would much rather be stranded with a group of guys, than a bunch of girls.

    1. I agree on the girls being more dramatic. I think we live for it or something...

    2. Kylie, I agree with the whole tanning thing, but just because you are greek and don't have to tan doesn't mean that other girls can't tan. haha

    3. Kylie, I completely agree with you and I'd also rather be stranded on an island with a group of guys then a group of girls.

  7. If the people stuck on the island were girls, it would be bad. I personally think they would not adapt to it very well. Not just because they are girls, mainly because most girls wouldn’t understand on what to do.

    I have many reasons on why the girls wouldn’t survive. I guess it all really depends on what group of girls that are stranded. I have realized that most girls have there own little “group”. Also most girls love drama, that’s what they live off of. You can not have more than two girls stuck together. Most of them can’t even get a long for a week. Im not in any way saying that guys are better then girls, but most guys have more experience on outdoors things. One thing most girls don’t understand how to do is hunt. Everyone thinks it’s easy, but in reality it’s not as easy as it looks especially if you’re not using a gun. Also they would need to make a shelter. Some guys, not all, are stronger then girls. They would have that as an advantage.

  8. If girls were stuck on the island instead of boys the book would be quite a bit different. There probably would not be a division in tribes and a lot of stuff would get done at first. But girls tend to start drama so on the island tribes would not split but there would be little cliques of people who talk about other cliques.

    After a while the girls would run out of supplies on the island and have to go hunting or gathering. A lot of girls would probably gather fruits, there is just one problem and that is if there were no fruits or anything on the island edible to gather. Maybe one or two girls would go hunting.

    1. Jon
      I really like how you added that the girls would have a lot of drama I agree. You have a good point when you say that most of the girls will just gather fruit. The girls hunting would be a funny sight to see.

  9. If girls were deserted on an island... Oh my lanta. It would be SO different.
    Girls are just generally more "soft", and "vulnerable". That's been the characteristics of girls for years. For a girl to go out in the wilderness and cook by scratch, kill animals, and live all the land, is basically unbelievable.
    In the wilderness there are bugs, snakes, and so many other disgusting things. I know I freak out when I see a creepy bug! Killing animals is most DEFINITELY not something most girls can do. When we see a deer, we think Bambi. Guys see points on a wall. Most girls think of animals as soft and cuddly, not meat. Skinning and gutting and cooking meat over a fire is something even ALL guys can't really do that well. Even I'm squeamish over raw meat...
    Guys are just generally more knowledgeable about the wilderness and "Great Outdoors." Girls have always been the ones to stay inside, and look pretty. I know, I'm a girl, and most of us don't like to think of ourselves as " in the kitchen" all the time. It's the 21st century, and things change. But this is NOT one of those, because it's just what women do. Or, really, don't do. Girls are over-dramatic, hyper-sensitive, and just...Not guys.


    1. Nice ideas, definitely realistic and very well thought out!

  10. The island would be terrible with girls on it. Everyone would die in a few weeks. There would be so much more drama than there is with boys. Girls fight over the stupidest things under the best of circumstances. Most girls do not have the capability to kill animals or build things. The only girl who could probably do it is Remington because she is so manly.

    Girls are very different from boys. For example, girls need personal hygiene way more than guys. We would also handle things much differently. There would be a lot more fighting and arguing on the island. Nothing would ever get done, and everyone would probably hate each other.

    A huge problem the girls would have is most girls do not know how to hunt or do much of the outdoor stuff. The shelters would be terrible. I can not build anything to save my life, even with the fancy tools now a days. No one would probably able to kill an animal for food. I would probably cry if I killed something. All of us would have to live on fruit. Girls would also not be able to keep a fire going. Girls would much rather lay on the beach than collect firewood.

  11. I believe that if girls were on the deserted island instead of boys there would be complete chaos. The girls would have a lot of drama because they would not have anything they need so they would have to find or make everything.
    The way that the girls would rule may be different because the girls want to have everything their way and end up fighting each other to get to be leader. The girls would also end up separating because they would disagree on many things then they would slowly because they do not know the proper way to survive. The girls could gather food that they needed but they would only be able to get fruit off of the trees. The girls would not want to hunt the pigs because they that involves a lot of blood and killing an animal. The girls would need spears to hunt with and they have to know how to make them.
    The girls may not want to make shelters but if they do not have shelters they will not survive long without it. They would need to be able to cut the trees or carry dead trees out of the forest. If the girls did succeed they may not have stable shelters. The girls would have to find a way to make fire the easiest way to make it is if someone has glasses. If the girls can start a fire then it is a huge accomplishment. After a month or two the girls would get sick of each other arguing and kill each other slowly.

    1. Nice job Alex, Great detail, and good points

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If The Lord of the Flies took place with girls rather than boys, the story would either be similar to completely different. If girls landed on an island, stranded, first there would be a bit of confusion, as there would be with boys. Eventually there would be some type of unity, either in one group, or multiple smaller groups. Depending on what type of girls would be on the island, shelter would be made differently, if the girls were craftier or artistic, they would find creative ideas for shelter, or if the girls were more of an outdoors-“women” they would find ways to hunt or ways to create weapons in order to hunt.
    In concept of arguments and heated debates, I think in the scenario of survival when the unavoidable “Fight-or-Flight” mode kicks in I don’t think there would be much arguing, every girl would work toward the survival of the group. Possibly they would have a major argument and split into groups as Ralph and Jack did in The Lord of the Flies.
    There symbolism would most likely be a left over item of home, to remind them what they are working for, but if I was in the same scenario, I would do the same. Leadership may be about the same being that certain girls would have different ideas on the group will operate.

    1. Good job Sheepdog, this is very realistic.

    2. Devon, I like that you do not think there would be that much of a difference. I think that you are right when you say that there would not be that big of difference and the girls would survive. I also like how you said that they might have an argument and split up in to two groups. I agree with this to.

  14. If The Lord of the Flies took place with girls on the island instead of the boys, the story would be very different. Most girls do not know as much about survival as guys do. I don't think that too many girls would know how to set traps or hunt animals. The girls would have to decide a leader and build a shelter. Girls are a lot mean and harder to get along with than guys, so this might be quite difficult.

    It would also depend on what girls were on the island. It would be much different id they were outdoorsy girls there, and not girls from the city. I think that it would be very entertaining to watch a group of girls try to survive on an island. I bet that some girls wouldn't be able to kill an animal. They might hesitate, like in Lord of the Flies, and not be able to kill the animal. Most guys would be able to kill the animal without even thinking.

    I think that girls would have a much harder time trying to survive on an island than a group of boys would. Most girls do not have the killer instinct that guys have.

    1. I am offended by your statement about girls not knowing how to set traps and hunt animals. I can do all that.

  15. If a bunch of girls were stranded on an island with no boys it wouldn’t turn out well. First of all we would all die. Girls aren’t fighting until death material as much as boys are. Plus everyone would gang up on each other, or if we were all friends we would have a hard time fighting to survive. Girls can’t hunt for their food as good as boys can, so we would probably all starve. Girls can also get vicious when they don’t get there way so it might turn out very bloody. Girls also can’t handle under pressure stuff very well so if something happened and they had to react quickly I don’t think they could do it very well. After a while I don’t think that anyone could get along because girls can only handle being with each other for a short amount of time before it gets ugly. But sometimes girls can outsmart boys so they would figure out that there was no beast in the first place or they would be so scared that they would hide forever. There is a 50/50 chance here. Let’s just say the last thing I would want to do is be stranded on an island with a bunch of girls..

    1. Dear Chloeeeeee, I LOVED your post. I agree with you I'd hate to be stranded on an island with chicas, too.

  16. Well, obviously an island full of girls would SUCK. For starters, girls are very annoying. There would be way more drama on the island full of girls, seeing how there already is on the island full of boys. There would also be no mirrors, so they would all be freaking out about how they look. Unlike the Lord of the Flies, though, there probably wouldn’t be any killing going on. I’m sure the girls wouldn’t go around screaming about a “beast” either. Girls are more mature around the ages of 12 than boys. Well, most anyways. Also, girls would know how to cook things. Most wouldn’t know how to hunt though, so maybe one or two of them would have to supply the food to cook. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to share, and would be selfish. I doubt the girls would be found, even if some of them knew how to make a signal fire, so they probably would end up dying anyways. I would hate to be on an island full of girls. I would try to find a hide out hut like Simon, from the book, did. I’d probably end up killing someone if I was stuck on the deserted island.

    1. I completely agree with u, girls are definitely more mature than boys. It would also really suck to be stuck on an island full of girls.

  17. I honesty think that if there were girls stuck on the island instead of boys it would be worse, because the girls would probably be like the boys at the beginning and start to freak out. If the girls got along then that would be way different then if the girls didn't get along. So after the fact of be stranded on a deserted island sunk in then would come time to decide whether or not to separate into different groups, and this is where the factor of whether or not the girls like each other or not comes into play because if they all get along then one group is the best idea, but if they don't get along then different groups are the best idea. That way if you have separate groups then you just care for the girls who are in your group and when the others need help you just help them and forget about it. But one thing the might be different is the killing in The Lord of the Flies, but if the girls are on the island for long enough then maybe they'd end up killing something in order to stay alive. And a lot of the girls might try to hide out by themselves, like Simon, to try to keep their sanity, I know I would. Another thing is that girls are way more dramatic then the boys are. Quite honesty if I got stuck on an island with a bunch of girls who didn't do anything because they are afraid to break a nail or a sweat, I'd probably jump off a cliff or end up killing everyone in a tirade of pure anger.

  18. If the children that were stuck on the deserted island had been girls, it would have made a big difference. I think that girls argue more, worry about everything that’s not important, and some girls wouldn’t know what to do. The girls would probably betray one another faster. They would be confused in the beginning like the boys. In time they might learn how to survive in the jungle like the boys, but I honestly don’t think that girls would survive a week. This is because they argue a lot and don’t listen to others. I think they would fight over stupid things and not worry about surviving.

  19. Well,I would like to say, if there were all girls on an island no one would get along. Everyone would wanna put their word in everything,and no one would ever get anywhere!Girls think that they always have to be right. They want everything their way. For food I think that girls would be like needy and they would want the food for their individual selfs, and not share. They would start to hate each other faster and wouldn't wanna be near one another. In the start the wouldn't argue because they would all be scared, but towards the end, they would be getting sick of it. I think at the end they would realize that one of them need to be in charge. But then again that could lead to an argument because they would all wanna be the leader. So an island with a bunch of girls is nothing but drama, and arguing.

  20. I think that there would have been a big change in the story if it were girls that were stuck on the island instead of boys. Boys may be stronger than us girls but I think we have a greater instinct for survival, also boys aren't very mature. Girls are also very organized, and serious about things that need to get done like hunting, finding water, food, making shelter, weapons, and cloths. They wouldn't goof off like the boys in the book. Also if the girls would not have been stupid enough to give into their fears about the "beast". But I also know that when girls get in a fight it would be serious and we are not as forgiving as the boys. And the longer the girls are around each other the more they will begin to dislike each other and they would probable crack, and start attacking each other. And sooner or later all of the girls would probably have been dead and the few who survived would probably split up so they wouldn’t be killed by each other. And I think that they would probably go insane with a long time without people to talk to.
