Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blog 14-Alex -The Quest of Regaining the Title of Superhero

The Quest of Regaining the Title of Superhero

Superman and Batman were two superheroes who needed to redeem themselves. One day Superman got in huge trouble for not saving the people of New York City when the World Trade Centers fell. Superman was not able to stop the planes from hitting the towers so the superhero god sentenced him to a long and treacherous journey. Superman did not want to go on the journey by himself, so he just gave up hope on becoming a superhero again. Until one day Batman lost his superhero title for not helping the people of Boston when the Boston Marathon bombing happened. He was unable to detect the bombers before it happened, so the superhero god also sentenced him to go on a long and treacherous journey.
This brings us to the beginning of the story and a long journey. One day Superman and Batman meet up in Boston and decided to try and regain their title of superhero. Superman and Batman first went to a Boston Red Sox game and hired David Ortiz, Red Sox designated hitter, to drive them to Canada. Their journey was to travel to the Yukon territory in Canada and get the superhero god his precious oil. His oil is so important because he uses it to bless superheros before they begin their life fighting crime. Once they got to Canada, Superman and Batman persuaded David Ortiz to leave his car at the border and join their quest for oil. Ortiz could not pass up such a great offer, so he agreed and went along to take advice from the two.
This journey through Canada can only be done on horseback or walking, so the three adventurers went to try and buy three horses. The first place the three men went to get horses was a saloon in the town of Red Oak. The owner only had two horses, so he gave them to the three men and told them to go through the Sherwood Forest and visit his friend for another horse. When they got to the area they believed was Sherwood Forest, they met a man who reminded them of Robin Hood. This man told them in order to receive another horse, they must all shoot an arrow through a hole one inch wide. The task was easy for Superman and Batman due to their training to become a superhero. For Ortiz the task was very difficult, he was so used to swinging a baseball bat that his archery skills were very poor. He finally got the arrow through after three tries, so the man gave them another horse and revealed his true identity, Robin Hood and told them if they needed any help along they way he would help them.
After about three hundred miles of riding horses through the forests of Canada, the trio of men saw that something large was blocking their path.  When they got within twenty feet of the object then it told them to stop. When they stopped to find out what it was, Robin Hood came running to the rescue and told them to turn around and find a different path and that he would fight the bear, but they refused and stayed to help if needed. Robin Hood had fought this bear many times before, his name was Raeb, the master of all bears in Canada.  Raeb was around one thousand pounds and could kill any human with the swipe of his paw. Robin knew the best way to get past the beast was to shot him in the heart with an arrow to stun him long enough to get by him. Robin had Ortiz use a tree branch and a black walnut to play baseball to distract Raeb, this task was not easy but with an expert like Robin the job was done in about three minutes. This task would have taken the three amateurs at least a day to distract Raeb, to passed him. After the help from Robin, he disappeared and they never saw him until they needed help again.
The three men went along on their journey, stopping every night to camp under the stars and listen to wolves howling under moon light. Every couple of days, the men would stop in a village and buy food supplies for their next couple days of journey. On day eighty-five of their trip they reached the place that the god of superhero’s explain to them as the place of the precious oil. The only way they could get to the oil was to pass by a vicious pack of wolves. This pack of wolves consisted of around five hundred females and about two hundred alpha males. While they were thinking of a plan to get to the oil, Robin Hood came to the rescue again and fought off the male wolves one by one. The male wolves could be fought off by using lilac saplings that have a poison in them that works like an anesthetic that works for about three hours or less. This task had to be done fast, so the wolves did not wake up while they were receiving the oil. This was the best way to get past because once the male is put to sleep, the females obey the person who has harmed the males. After this Batman and Superman went to get the oil, they put it in a fifty-five gallon drum. Then after the three adventurers got to safety, Robin Hood left then for the final time and they never saw him again.
This occurrence of finding the oil caused a large problem. They had to take the drum of oil back with them and there was no way the horses could carry it, so the fast thinking David Ortiz thought of an idea. His idea was to call Jacoby Ellsbury, the Red Sox center fielder, and have him fly his private jet to Canada and pick them up. The three men went to the nearest town and called Jacoby, he said he would be there in no time. He was right, with his super sonic jet he got there in one and a half hours. Once the drum of oil was loaded on the jet they took of to their destination, Boston. Once in Boston, Batman and Superman thanked Ortiz for his help and told him they would repay him one day. Batman and Superman took the oil to the superhero god, he was pleased with the job they had done,so he gave both of them their title of superhero again. From that day on Batman and Superman have been proudly serving Boston and the rest of the world as they had before.


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