Aphorism – a brief saying embodying a
moral; a concise statement of a principle or precept given in pointed words.
For this week's blog, you'll be locating three aphorisms (see below!) that you can relate to your life and your future. This can be a pretty fun project and won't take a lot of time. The requirements:
Locate three aphorisms and FOR EACH ONE:
1. Explain the meaning of the aphorism
2. Explain why it appeals to you and how it relates to your life
3. Illustrate it by adding a photo, piece of clip art from the web, or something similar
(*See Examples Below*)
(*See Examples Below*)
you get stuck, please see me right away and I can help you.
The addition of an illustration is new this time and while it's not
difficult, you may not be sure how to do it. Here is the quick method:
On the compose blog page, look at the top for the box that looks like a picture and click "Insert Image" For this one, I did a google search of Siddhartha in images; I went to the website and copied the URL to add the picture
Example aphorisms:
1. "Why should things be easy to understand?"-Thomas Pynchon
Thomas Pynchon, one of my favorite authors, asked this question in response to a review of his book V which commented on the novel's complexity. The author has many fans who love his stories because they are challenging and sometimes difficult to understand. It is a fair question. I feel the same way about Pynchon's work, and any type of work in general. It is important to know that the world, and on a greater scale, the universe (see above picture), will present you with situations and problems that will be difficult to understand. A person has to have the ability to learn from these moments in order to come to know who they are and what they can accomplish.
2. "Don't take yourself too seriously; no one else does."
People sometimes take themselves too seriously, and these people can be difficult. Although I believe it is important to take life seriously, I think it is equally important to have a good time and have a healthy sense of humor, even if it means laughing at yourself every once in a while... or all the time like I do, because I am funny.
"Make peace with your past so it won't screw up your future."
It is important to reflect on your past to learn from it, but it is also equally important to move on because dwelling on past events can be unhealthy, especially considering that there is nothing a person can do about what has already happened. Learn and become a better person so that there can be hope for the future.
Posts are due Friday, 3/29/13, by 3pm.
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